Welcome to Bastion City, the brightest gem of the peninsula! Things have been moving pretty quick for the capital, innovation in technology and the increasing strangeness of magic both going quicker as the years go by. Some familiar faces have shown back up, and are climbing the political ladder. This town moves pretty damn quick, and you got to ride the change or get tossed around.

Good luck out there, friend. I’ll keep an eye out for you. Who knows? You might make the papers.

Creating Your Character

Character Name:

Race/Heritage: Standard CS Heritages apply


Background: You can come from any background or family, but as a fresh character, your political power is incredibly limited. *You have no territory outside of your lodgings.


Skills: five skills that your character uses the most.

Portfolio: 10 points to spend among the portfolio options, see below.

Starting district:

Character Creation Template

Character applications happen on our discord, and you can find all resources pertaining to the role play there under The Administration forum. Below you will find templates and resources for creating your character.

You have ten points to spend amongst these various options.

Advanced Technology: You have a gadget, device, prosthetic, etc. made from the new clockwork and steam powered technology. This gives a narrow, one use object (heat vision goggles, grappling hook, prosthetic arm), extra points adds a use or improved strength to the item (prosthetic weapon, heat and spectral goggles, grappling harpoon).

Debt: Every point you put into this aspect, you gain two points in return, however, the more points you put into this, the more dangerous, restrictive, and onerous the debt is.

Elwydium: A character with a point in elwydium has a supernatural feature or spell that is very limited. With the scars of war and the resources required to keep the seals shut, magic is incredibly limited. A spell or feature has a single narrow effect (I.e, “sixth sense” for the unseen, a magic missile, being able to unlock simple locks). An extra point either increases potency or adds another use for the affected.

Housing (5 points maximum): a base of operations, each point spent here increases the quality. habitable->fine->grand->opulent->outrageous NOTE: points not spent in housing does not mean you lack a living space, these spaces are owned by you. You can rent a decent apartment and not need to spend a point in housing.

Reputation: You are known, for good or ill. When you act on your reputation, you have more sway than if you were simply yourself. Extra points extends your reputation to an extra district. You need to note your repute and the desired district in which you are most well known.

Title/Status (3 points maximum): You have a rank, either occupational, social, or inherited. This cache relies on the system you are a part of, rather than your personal reputation, “the suit” rather than the man. A maximum of three points can be spent to increase your title’s scope. Apprentice->Journeyman/fellow->master Lord->Count/baron/earl/->Duke/Prince/ Worker->manager->Owner/boss Tools: You have the tools to get a specific job done, extra points adds extra jobs or tasks your tools can do.

Vehicle: Similar to weapon, you start with a simple vehicle, either a small carriage or a Model C Greenleaf (model t ford). It is expected that you have the means to keep your vehicle on the road in fair condition, but higher tier maintenance and fuel need to be acquired if necessary. Spending extra points adds extra tags Vehicle tags: Armored, light, maneuverable, obvious, subtle, fast, powerful, armed, government, ambulance. (3 points for flying)

Wardrobe: Being the best dressed in a situation gives one confidence and power, alternatively the authority of the right uniform can get you anywhere, and the butler’s suit can make one almost invisible in high society, until you’re needed. An extra point confers an extra outfit, or enhances the glamour of the existing one.

Wealth (3 points max): You have resources that can get you places if you know how to spend. Each point spent advances your tier. As you advance in tier though, keep in mind that your wealth is most likely tied up in stocks and bonds, and while you can write checks, there may come a time where you can’t cash them anymore Comfortable (upper middle class)-> affluent ( 500k-750k)-> Rich (millionaire)

Weapons: 1 point gives you a basic, one handed melee weapon, extra points add one tag each. Weapon tags: ranged, long ranged, large, heavy, concealable, fast, small, poisoned/ous.

Portfolio Options

These are ideals and concepts that your character believes in or pursues. These are not hard and fast, nor are they binding. A scientist devoted to Technology and Innovation may find themselves chasing the Truth to uncover hidden schematics. Your alignment is the goal or ideal that you associate with the most.

Alignment: Crime

Goals/Purposes: You’re in it for yourself. Number one, Numero Uno, the only one that matters. And if people need to get hurt in order for you to get by, well, that’s just the way of things. Maybe you mask it by using the proceeds of your crime to help somebody else, or say that the system has beat you down, and maybe you’re right. End of the day, though, you’re a criminal. And what are you going to do? Get on the straight and narrow? Now that you’re a criminal, there’s no going back.

Primary Faction: The Black Diamond Mafia is a highly organized, secretive, and far reaching organization led by the current Mayor of Bastion, Aynia Moreau. (no relation to the Moreaux's.) Aynia keeps the org off the radar and in turn, it generates the coin. There are rumours of some kind of secret mining operation spreading through the ranks but anyone posing the question ends up adamantly denying the allegations. The family is wealthy to excess but are large benefactors to special causes that increase the quality of life for those in the capital and throughout the Warren.

Alignment: Law

Goals/Purposes: You are aligned to the Law, and justice. Evildoers beware! It is your goal that the criminals of Bastion are put behind bars or dealt with. You follow the law, either the spirit or the letter. You might be a private eye, a police officer, or a very concerned citizen.

Primary Faction: The Bastion Police Department, our boys and girls in purple do their best to keep the city peace. Of course, corruption and laziness are rampant in the force, and many true-hearted officers find it best to strike out on their own to enforce the laws of the land. Others stick it out, fighting the corruption from within.

Alignment: The Truth

Goals/Purposes: The people have a right to know. That’s your motto. You might be a reporter, a scholar, or a P.I. chasing unfaithful spouses. Whatever it is you do, you’re uncovering a truth and sharing it with those who ought to know. Censorship is akin to death for you, and people hiding the truth are worse than thieves or murderers. Whatever is hidden in the dark will come to light. After all, the people have a right to know.

Primary Faction: The Daily Warren is the premier newspaper and radio show for current events in Bastion and beyond. Once the Oracle’s Library, serving the Crown alone, it has been remade, serving the public with knowledge of most everything that occurs in the city. All articles are given final approval by the Oracle, however, and it is known that oversensationalizing crimes of certain gangs and the downplaying of specific disasters is an easy way of getting published and promoted.

Alignment: Arcane

Goals/Purposes: Magic is dying. For the past 300 years, it has been dying. The Oracle, one of the most magical beings, has all but vanished from the public until very recently, and even then, his reappearances range from the placid to the concerning fo those who knew him or of him before the end of the 2nd chaos war. For whatever reason, you have taken this death of the arcane as a grave sin, and are trying to bring it back or study it. There are still uses for the now eldritch and unpredictable magic that remains in the world. And it is your solemn duty to use that magic, and perhaps even try to restore it to its full potential.

Primary Faction: The Delphi Institute is perhaps the largest, or at least most well known organization for the continued study of Elwydium. Founded by Chester All, a disgraced cleric of the Oracle’s service whose dangerous and unethical experiments with Elwydium were publicly chastised. Now headed by C. All’s great grandson, Icabod Chester All, the rumors abound that perhaps the All family weren’t as ignobly drummed out of the Oracle’s service as first proclaimed. Even more concerning, there are rumors of even worse experiments occurring for the sake of magic.

Alignment: Technology

Goals/Purposes: Move fast, break things, apologize later. That’s the motto of your life. And so far, it hasn’t failed you yet. You might be lacking in public appeal, or have very little love for the more conventional industries, but you are at the edge of tomorrow. Funding may be a problem for you, but you have enough schematics to sell to the right people to work on your pet projects for a time. Just be careful what you make. Genies may be dead, but putting your inventions back into ignorance would be even harder than getting a genie into a bottle.

Primary Faction: Barayne Innovations Incorporated is a cutthroat company with a finger in every pie. From military equipment to logging to househould appliances, BII is there. It’s logo, a cracked crown with gold filling the crack, is practically omnipresent. Of course, any penny-ante inventor on the street has a story of their designs getting stolen before they reach the patent office, or their ideas were bought after several moths of painful duress. The ideal of progress at any cost seems to apply, and the human cost is one that BII is all too happy to pay.
